There aren�t many venues in which you might find criminal speeding encouraged, but the NEED FOR SPEED franchise is doing its best to carry the weight. Step into any of 20 of the world�s most exotic speedsters including an array of Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Porsches, and more in the hope of reaching paralyzing speeds. You�ll get to test your mettle in more than a dozen rich environments, speeding over beaches, racing through brush fires, and kicking up dust in the desert. As per usual with the NEED FOR SPEED series, the object is to outrun the long arm of the law, and this time the cops� artificial intelligence is positively unparalleled. In fact, different officers will actually have unique driving personalities, which means you�ll have to work extra hard to get to know the local arrest patterns. The game�s 3D graphics are downright incredible, and the replay value will have you coming back for seconds and thirds. Maxing out your car�s capacity might not be such a great idea in real life, but it�s mandatory in NEED FOR SPEED: Hot Pursuit 2.
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